My sweet boy is 4 months old today. He had his doctor appointment this afternoon and we learned that he is 16 lbs, 4 oz (85th percentile), his head is 43.1 cm (75 percentile...a jump from the 45 we were at 2 months ago) , and he is 26.3 in long (95th percentile). What it boils down to is my little man is the average size of a 6 1/2 month old. But, the dr. said that he's doing well, everything looks great he's just going to be tall. No surprise there. My dad, all 3 brothers and my husband are all over 6 feet tall. I'm hoping for a football player out of this one but we'll see what he wants to do as he gets older. Along with his appointment he received another round of immunization shots. Luckily it was only 2 shots and an oral one that they give. He doesn't ever cry the first time but it's the second shot that gets him every time. Once they're done I just pick him up and within a minute or so he calms down. I love that my dr lets me stay in the room as long as I need to feed him after the shots, it's nice not having to rush and deal with a crying baby.
I tried giving him apples the other day and well, Little Man isn't quite sure what to make of solids yet. I think I'll hold off for a couple of weeks and try it again. In the mean time, breast feeding it is! I am looking forward to solids though for many reasons. I'm going to try and make my own baby food, we'll see how that goes.
FF: Chili & Cornbread
6 years ago
So I have two tips if you're going to make your own, which you may have already heard.
One buy Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron. It's a book that tells you how to make baby food but what I found very helpful, was it told you what months to introduce certain foods, since allergies can develop. (It will say you should wait till 6 months, and I liked to hold off food for as long as possible, but neither girl took very long eating, though I don't know why you're wanting to introduce solids. Anyways take some information and leave some information. I've never found a baby book that I've completely agreed with or worked for me. )
Two, I did not have this so I had to make and freeze all my batches of baby food, which is alright, but a baby food mill is something that will allow you to quickly puree up veggies you're eating for dinner for him right there. I am totally going to buy one if I have another.
Almost every 4 month old baby I give shots to have the same reaction. They're fine the first shot but the second is not so fun. It's interesting! Sounds like he's doing well. You guys all look great!
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